Bioethics Reading and Discussion Group
A virtual reading and discussion group for physicians and physicians-in-training, led by Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

Time & Location
Mar 22, 2023, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Zoom accessible to accepted registrants
About the Event
The for physicians and physicians-in-training (pre-medical and medical students, residents, and fellows) is aimed at grounding physicians in a sound philosophy of medicine, while thoughtfully engaging contemporary issues in biomedical ethics. We begin from the conviction that medicine is aimed at the health and healing of patients, and therefore medicine has its own internal morality proper to it and shaped by these ends. Any interventions that undermine or contradict the aims of health and healing—such as the intentional killing of patients—have no proper place in the practice of medicine. By reason of who we are and what we do, we believe physicians should be held, and should hold ourselves, to a higher professional ethic and to robust standards of excellence.Bioethics Reading and Discussion Group
Through assigned readings and monthly discussions via Zoom meetings, this group will explore the moral foundations of medicine and contemporary bioethical issues. Readings are drawn from the works of key thinkers in philosophy and modern bioethics, such as Leon Kass, Paul Ramsey, Hans Jonas, Edmund Pellegrino, Alasdair MacIntyre, C.S. Lewis, and Gilbert Meilaender. While we begin from shared Hippocratic principles and commitments to medicine as a healing enterprise, we encourage vigorous debate and discussion regarding the application of these principles to contemporary challenges and problems in medicine, medical research, and biotechnology. As a community of shared practice, we also encourage one another in navigating the challenges of medical training and medical practice in today’s complex environments. As Aristotle says in the , “Our discussion does not aim at abstract study: our purpose is not to know what virtue is, but to become virtuous.”Nicomachean Ethics
This group meets virtually on Zoom on Second and Fourth Wednesdays 4:00 p.m. Pacific and is led by Zephyr’s Director of the Health and Human Flourishing Program, . Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
*Dates here may change. Once accepted, please follow the schedule shared by Dr. Kheriaty to the group.