Zephyr Internship AY 2022-2023
Stanford undergraduates are invited to apply for an internship at the Zephyr Institute

Time & Location
Academic Year 2022-2023
Zephyr Institute, 560 College Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA
About the Event
Stanford undergraduates are invited to apply for an internship at the Zephyr Institute. This is a part-time position for the duration of the academic year (though quarter-long appointments are possible). Interns will be involved in the planning and execution of Zephyr’s academic programs and in campus outreach and promotions. Pay is competitive and hours total between 2 and 5 hours per week. Hours are flexible, but you should be available to assist on-site with most or all of Zephyr’s events during the academic term. Zephyr events generally take place after 5:15 pm on weekdays, and rarely on weekends.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but interested candidates are encouraged to apply by September 26th. To apply, please write to Molly Gurdon Pinkoski (mpinkoski@zephyr.org), with a cover letter, current CV, and contact information for two references.