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J. Newton Rayzor Sr. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Baylor University; Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of St Andrews

John Haldane was educated in Scotland, and thereafter in Kent at the University of the Creative Arts, and in London first at the University of the Arts, and second at London University. He has two BA degrees: in Fine Art, and in Philosophy, and a PhD in Philosophy. He has also taught art and been a Visiting Lecturer in the Architecture School of the University of Westminster, as well as a Fellow of the Henry Moore Institute.


John Haldane is the J. Newton Rayzor Sr. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Baylor University, and Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He is also Visiting Professor in Philosophy of Education at the Jubilee Centre University of Birmingham.


He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Chair of the Royal Institute of Philosophy in London. He has also held the Royden Davis Chair in Humanities at Georgetown University, and visiting fellowships at Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Oxford, Pittsburgh and Notre Dame universities. Later in 2020 he will take up a chair of Philosophy of Education at the Australian Catholic University in Melbourne.


He has delivered the Gifford Lectures at Aberdeen, the Stanton Lectures at Cambridge, the Kaminski Lectures at Lublin, the MacDonald Lectures at Oxford, and the Joseph Lectures at the Gregorian in Rome. He was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI Consultor to the Pontifical Council for Culture and served for ten years as such, and as a member of the Pontifical Academies of Life, and of Thomas Aquinas, all at the Vatican.


A proponent of analytical approaches to the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, Haldane’s books include Atheism and Theism, An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Religion, Faithful Reason: Essays Catholic and Philosophical, Reasonable Faith, and Seeking Meaning and Making Sense. He has appeared on many BBC radio and television programs and contributed to the Times, and other newspapers and written widely for commentary, art and religious periodicals.


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