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Research Fellow and Director of Academic Programs

Nathan Pinkoski's research and teaching covers 20th century political thought, early modern political thought, and classical political thought. He has published in a variety of academic and popular journals, including First Things, Perspectives on Political Science, and The Review of Politics. He holds a BA (Hon) from the University of Alberta and an MPhil and DPhil in Politics: Political Theory, from the University of Oxford. He had held research fellowships and lectureships at Princeton University and the University of Toronto. He recently co-edited Augustine in a Time of Crisis (Palgrave-MacMillan Press) and translated Alasdair MacIntyre: une biographie intellectuelle (Alasdair MacIntyre: An Intellectual Biography), by Émile Perreau-Saussine (University of Notre Dame Press). He is a Contributing Editor for Compact: A Radical American Journal.

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